Introducing AI assistant


Smart Solutions, Sip by Sip – Your Questions, Our Answers

Welcome to KOPI CHAT – your go-to for seamless communication.
We empower businesses with a live chat platform
that transcends boundaries and time constraints.


Elevating Engagement 24/7
Across All Digital Channels
with Intelligent Chatbots

Kopi Chat empowers merchants to seamlessly
connect with their customers or employees through
live chat for any inquiries related to merchant information.
Whether it’s a different timezone, your location,
or even during busy customer interactions,
Kopi Chat is dedicated to resolving issues
professionally and efficiently.

Discover the average number of talks that occur often

Provides insights into user engagement and interaction length

Examine popular interactions among users

Helping you identify and prioritize areas of interest for your users

Improve customer experience using past chats

Use the information from past conversations in archives to make better chatbot Stories and make customers satisfy.

Track the total amount of users

Keep track of the number of users engaging and allowing to gauge the platform’s reach and measure the growth of your user base over time.

Boosting ChatBot Performance: Insights from Analytics

Make better satisfaction and engagement with ChatBot analytics


Choose A Plan That Works For You!

Explore and Choose a Plan Aligned Perfectly with Your Unique Business Requirements.

The AI assistant

All the Right Features

Unlocking merchant’s full potential of Kopi Chat with these compelling benefits

Efficient Engagement

Kopi Chat facilitates quick and effective communication, ensuring timely responses to inquiries for enhanced customer and employee satisfaction.

Global Accessibility

Kopi Chat breaks geographical barriers, providing users with a worldwide platform for information and assistance.

Professional Resolution

Merchants can address concerns professionally on Kopi Chat, fostering an environment for effective problem-solving.

Real-time Tracking

Track the average number of chats in real-time, gaining insights into communication trends for optimization.

Insightful Analysis

Review popular interactions on Kopi Chat to understand user interests and enhance the overall user experience.

User Base Measurement

Monitor the number of users engaging with Kopi Chat, evaluating its popularity and reach

Flexible Operation

Operate Kopi Chat seamlessly, even during peak times, providing users with convenient access to support.

Enhanced CRM

Strengthen customer relationships by actively engaging with customers through Kopi Chat.

Adaptability and Scalability

Kopi Chat adapts to evolving merchant needs, offering a scalable solution for growing user bases.

Everything You Need

Real-time Interaction

Kopi Chat: Real-time Engagement for Swift Responses, Enhancing Customer Satisfaction.

Global Accessibility

Experience Borderless Communication with Kopi Chat – Connect Anywhere, Anytime!

Professional Resolution

Kopi Chat Enhances Merchant Expertise and Reliability.

Insightful Analytics

Enhance Communication Strategy with Kopi Chat’s Analytics. Track Chats and Interactions for Valuable Insights.

Adaptability and Scalability

Kopi Chat’s Scalable Solution Adapts to Evolving Business Needs and Expanding User Base.

Operational Flexibility

Seamless Connectivity. Kopi Chat Ensures Uninterrupted Access to Support, Even During Peak Times.

Frequently Asked Questions

 FAQs for quick answers to common queries about our services

What is Kopi Chatbot?

Kopi Chatbot is a plugin designed to streamline and automate customer interactions on business platforms. Utilizing pre-programmed rules or artificial intelligence, it engages with customers in real-time, 24/7, across various areas.

What type of businesses can benefit from using Kopi Chat?

Kopi Chat is versatile and suitable for various businesses across industries, including retail,hospitality, and service- oiriented sectors.

How can Kopi Chat benefit my business?

Kopi Chat enhances customer support, operating 24/7, and improves overall customer experiences by automating responses to inquiries, resolving issues, and collecting valuable data.

How does Kopi Chat works?

The functionality of Kopi Chat is akin to other chatbots on messaging channels, automating customer support, enhancing customer experience, and responding to inquiries promptly. It operates round the clock, sending messages, resolving issues, and collecting valuable data.

How much does Kopi Chat cost?

The cost of Kopi Chat varies depending on the chosen package, storage capacity, user limitations, and usage duration. While building the AI chatbot may be free on some platforms, additional expenses may apply based on the selected package and if the 7-day trial limit is exceeded.

What is Kopi Chat API?

The Kopi Chat API (Application Programming Interface) serves as a set of definitions and protocols for building and integrating application software. For instance, integrating your system with the Kopi Chatbot API enables the creation of self-service workflows tailored to your business needs.

Download Now

Try Team plan features for 7 days · No credit card required · No coding needed.


Customer Voices: Hear What Others Are Saying

Implementing Kopi Chat on my WordPress site was a game-changer! The AI assistant boosted user engagement, and its seamless integration made the setup a breeze. Highly recommend!
John S.

Web Developer

Kopi Chat transformed the way we connect with customers. The WordPress integration was smooth, and our clients appreciate the instant support. A valuable addition to any website!
Lisa M.

Business Owner

As a marketer, Kopi Chat’s AI capabilities added a dynamic touch to our website. Integrating it with WordPress was straightforward, and the analytics provided insightful data for our strategies. Thumbs up!
David W.

Marketing Specialist

The AI assistant


Get In Touch!

Seeking answers? We’re ready to assist. Just drop us a message!


4-2, Jalan Puteri 2/3, Bandar Puteri, 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia

Phone Number
